Sftp Sync Tool

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So, you have files you need to manage on servers. Maybe you're a developer. Maybe you're a system administrator. Maybe you're a contractor or freelancer. But you need to connect to a thing, and upload, download, or tweak the files on that thing.

  • Install the Microsoft School Data Sync Toolkit. Download the tool from Microsoft School Data Sync Toolkit. Double-click the tool to run the wizard. On the Welcome page, choose Next. Accept the license agreement click Next, choose an installation path, and then choose Next.
  • The secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) sync allows school districts to 'push' data to Clever. Districts generate five required CSV files (schools.csv, teachers.csv, students.csv, sections.csv and enrollments.csv) from their student information system (SIS) according to Clever's specified file format.

That's what Transmit is for.

Fast, reliable, easy to use, file and folder synchronisation software.

Transmit's big strength is its clean interface — our famous 'dual-pane' view is way faster than the Finder. But Transmit also has tons of very nice features like File Sync, which can mirror remote and local (or, now, local and local!) files in one click.

Sftp Sync Tool

Transmit also takes great care to let you organize your Servers for fast access. And with Panic Sync, you can sync them to all of your computers. Never type a server address again.

Now, long ago we'd call Transmit an 'FTP client', but today, with Transmit 5, we connect to lots of different server types and cloud services. For example, Amazon S3 dramatically changed the way files are served on the internet, and Transmit is a great way to manage your Amazon S3 buckets.

Put simply: Transmit lets you quickly and easily manage files on the internet.

Use SFTP and FTP features inside Atom, having the ability to upload and download files directly from inside Atom.

Remote Sync PRO is a fork of the remote-sync project which was abandoned in 2016. Remote Sync PRO fixes bugs and compatibility issues present in remote-sync, and will be bringing new features in the near future.

Remote Sync 2 is a fork of the remote-sync-pro project which seems to be unmaintaied since 2018.


  • Does a local/remote MD5 before diff, to avoid opening a useless external tool (TBD: make it an option in config)


  • Uploading/downloading files to/from the server
  • Displaying diffs between the local and remote files with your favourite diff tool
  • Monitoring files for external changes and automatically uploading - useful for scss/less compiling
  • Support for both SCP/SFTP and FTP


  • Toggle for uploading changes automatically when you save a file
  • Define files to be monitored to be automatically monitoring
  • Set difftoolCommand in AtomSettingView of remote-sync -- The path to your diff tool executable
  • Toggle the logs for extra information
  • Toggle the hiding and showing of the log panel
  • Set custom config name
  • Support for native Atom Notifications


You can install this like any other Atom package, with one of these methods:

Via Atom (recommended)

  • Open Atom Fast network storage.

  • Open settings

    • ctrl+, | cmd+,
    • Edit > Preferences (Linux)
    • Atom > Preferences (OS X)
    • File > Preferences (Windows)
  • Select 'Install' tab

  • Search for remote-sync and click install

APM - terminal

  • Open a terminal
  • Run apm install remote-sync


  • Download / clone this repository to your ~/.atom/packages/
  • Enter the directory
  • Run apm install


You can configure Remote Sync PRO using multiple methods: Sublime validate json.

Existing project

Via Atom (recommended)

  1. Right click main project folder
  2. Navigate to Remote Sync PRO > Configure
  3. Fill in the details / select options
  4. Hit save


  1. Add a file named .remote-sync.json to your project
  2. Add/configure with one of the contents below
  3. Save the file

From scratch, with a remote server

  1. Follow setups for creating existing project - see above
  2. Right click main project folder
  3. Navigate to Remote Sync PRO > Download folder


Family feud and friends cheats coins. The .remote-sync.json in your project root will use these options:

transportString'scp for SCP/SFTP, or ftp for FTP
hostnameString'Remote host address
portString'Remort port to connect on (typically 22 for SCP/SFTP, 21 for FTP)
usernameString'Remote host username
passwordString'Remote host password
keyfileString'Absolute path to SSH key (only used for SCP)
secureBooleanfalseSet to true for both control and data connection encryption (only used for FTP)
passphraseString'Passphrase for the SSH key (only used for SCP)
useAgentStringfalseWhether or not to use an agent process (only used for SCP)
targetString'Target directory on remote host
sourceString'Source directory relative to project root
ignoreArray['.remote-sync.json','.git/**']Array of minimatch patterns of files to ignore
watchArray[]Array of files (relative to project root - starting with '/') to watch for changes
uploadMirrorsArray[]Transport mirror config array when upload
uploadOnSaveBooleanfalseWhether or not to upload the current file when saved
saveOnUploadBooleanfalseWhether or not to save a modified file before uploading
useAtomicWritesBooleanfalseUpload file using a temporary filename before moving to its final location (only used for SCP)
deleteLocalBooleanfalseWhether or not to delete the local file / folder after remote delete

Example configuration's

SCP example:

SCP useAgent example:

Sftp Sync Tool Windows 10

FTP example:

Upload mirrors example:

Diff tool command

You can use any GUI app which takes two arguments without parameters like meld or gvimdiff.

If you want to use app with parameters or console app, try this:

  • code (Visual Studio Code)

    create shell script atom-diff-code in /usr/local/bin/ with command

    Then set atom-diff-code in Diff tool command setting in remote-sync in atom

  • vim in Ubuntu:


  • diff in Ubuntu:


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